This is a sample page using our new Collections feature (still in beta, going live soon, we hope).
This is an example of how Collections might look, using the (completely random) example of a quadcopter parts list we found on Quadcopter Garage. Here are the parts you need for this quadcopter project, with the name of the product, the UPC and quantity (if applicable):
- Frame: Tekit 4-Axis HJ450 Frame Airframe FlameWheel Strong Smooth KK MK MWC Quadcopter / UPC: 887662145511
- Motors:Ā New Turnigy D2830-11 Brushless Outrunner 1000kv Quadcopter Airplane Motor USA by usongs / UPC: 783627603860Ā x 4
- Speed controls:Ā 4x Emax SimonK Firmware 12A ESC Speed Controller for FPV QAV250 Mini Quadcopter / UPC: 799418419459
- Flight controller:Ā Hobbyking KK2.1.5 Multi-rotor LCD Flight Control Board With 6050MPU And Atmel 644PA / Size: 50.5mm x 50.5mm x 12mm / UPC: 720132177165
- Radio transmitter and receiver:Ā Turnigy 9xr PRO Radio Transmitter Mode 2 (Without Module) / UPC: 050382910138
- Propellers:Ā RipaFire 2 Pairs 9×4.7 9047/9047R CW/CCW Propeller Props Carbon Nylon for DJI Phantom RC QuadCopter MultiCoptor Rotor Helicopter / UPC: 712322581852
- Battery:Ā ZIPPY Flightmax 3000mAh 3S1P 20C / UPC: 885184741419
- Battery charger:Ā SKYRC iMAX B6 OEM Balance Charger for LiPo, 1s-6s Li-ion,1~15cell NiMH Akku 50W Balancer Charger power supply / UPC: 689805600273
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