Add your UPCs and product info to UPCZilla and benefit from exposure to 25,000+ unique visitors per month, including hundreds of Google visitors every day (and increasing all the time). And it’s absolutely free – it grows our database, so we are happy, we ask nothing in return!
How to add your products to UPCZilla
Currently there is only one way to do this – option 1 below – but we will have more options (options 2 and 3) soon:
- If your product/s is/are already listed on common online (US-based) retail channels such as Amazon, eBay and many others, getting your product on UPCZilla is as simple asĀ entering the UPC for your product in the search field above. Make sure it is a valid UPC-A, with 12 digits, correct checksum etc. (or it won’t validate), and with no spaces, dashes or other extra characters. If it finds your product online, our engine will automatically store your UPC, create a unique page for it and then search all the online retailers we can for more information on your product: images, availability, pricing information etc. to display on that page. From then on your UPC will be stored in our database and the page regularly updated, especially pricing. The page will make its way into the Google and other search engine results in due course (we do not have direct control over that, but we have tens of thousands of pages in Google’s index right now and it’s increasing all the time).
- Send us a file to import (CSV or EXCEL) –Ā NOT AVAILABLE YET, COMING SOON.Ā This is an option even if your product is not widely sold online, however there may be limited benefit to this –Ā we cannot add new stores/sellers to our site (and therefore link to them/fetch price data etc.), your store can only be listed if you have an affiliate program with Commission Junction or you are selling exclusively through Amazon Marketplace or on eBay, we can’t add stores on an individual basis unfortunately.
- Paste a list of UPCs into a text field belowĀ –Ā NOT AVAILABLE YET, COMING SOON.Ā Again, this will only work if your products are already widely sold online.
Although a file import option will be made available soon, generally speaking it is much better if you can use option 1 above and if your products are sold through common online channels. Then we can regularly query the various web services that are out there to make sure your product, pricing and availability data is up-to-date. Otherwise your product page will be very static and potentially go out of date as we cannot continually upload new CSV files, it’s just not practical.
If you have a lot of products and want to send us a file then we will make that option available soon, watch this space, otherwise, start typing! (actually, copy-pasting is much quicker!)