
UPCs for Google Pixel 4 phones

The new Google Pixel 4 phones are out this week – to some mixed reviews it must be said. But we aren’t here to analyse whether it’s ‘as good as an iPhone’ – we are all about the UPCs here! So without further ado, here are the UPCs we have tracked down for the various Pixel 4 model, color and memory options.

They come in two style options: Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL (a larger-screened version), two memory size options, 64GB and 128GB and three color options: Just Black, Clearly White, and Oh So Orange, which gives you 12 UPCs in total (that we know of):

  1. 842776114945
    Google Pixel 4 – Just Black – 64GB
  2. 842776114228
    Google Pixel 4 XL – Just Black – 64GB
  3. 842776114259
    Google Pixel 4 XL – Just Black – 128GB
  4. 842776114976
    Google Pixel 4 – Just Black – 128GB
  5. 842776114952
    Pixel 4 – Clearly White – 64GB
  6. 842776114983
    Google Pixel 4 – Clearly White 128GB
  7. 842776114266
    Google Pixel 4 XL – Clearly White – 128GB
  8. 842776114242
    Google Pixel 4 XL – Oh So Orange – 64GB
  9. 842776114235
    Google Pixel 4 XL – Clearly White – 64GB
  10. 842776114969
    Google Pixel 4 – Oh So Orange – 64GB
  11. 842776114990
    Google Pixel 4 – Oh So Orange – 128GB
  12. 842776114273
    Google Pixel 4 XL – Oh So Orange – 128GB

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